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退学处理公告 Announcement about the Order to Quit Schooling
发布者:曹静 发布时间:2020-11-09 阅读人数:

“Announcements for the International Students Who Failed to Graduate in the Longest Period of Schooling” was issued by Graduate School on April 9th, 2020. The school that these students belong to and the School of International Education have delivered the announcement to the students respectively.

However, because the following student is difficult to contact and the announcement can not be sent to the student herself, the Graduate School have to post on this announcement on website attached with “Announcements for the International Students Who Failed to Graduate in the Longest Period of Schooling”. By way of posting on website, the announcement is deemed to have sent to the following student.

Stu ID



Longest time as student status

Date of Enrolment



Business Administration




The student mentioned above can submit the statement to Graduate School within 5 working days; otherwise, she is regarded to accept the quitting of schooling by our university.


Graduate School of Southwest Jiaotong University

November 9, 2020


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