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Notice about Course Registration & Score Registration
发布者:刘颖 发布时间:2019-03-11 阅读人数:

International students of Grade 2017 and before:

If you failed to register courses this semester or your scores failed to be registered last semester or before, right now you can apply to register courses or scores as the following guidance:

Course Registration

Complete the form of “Application for Course Registration” with the signatures of the course teacher.

Summit the form to the Provost Office (Room 229Administration Building) before March 22nd , 2019.

You can check the result of course registration from March 26th ,2019.

Score registration

You should remind the course teachers of submitting materials:

For the courses with exams: the teacher should summit “Examination Attendance Table” and the copy of your examination paper to the coordinator of your school.

For the courses with reports: the teacher should summit  the copy of your report with the scores to the coordinator of your school.

the deadline for teachers to summit materials to coordinators is April 10th, 2019.

The coordinators must submit all the materials to the Provost Office before April 12th , 2019.

You can check the result of score registration from May 17th ,2019.

The attached is “Application for Course Registration”

Provost Office of Graduate School

March 11, 2019