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Notice of Course Exemption Application [2019-2020(1)]
发布者:刘颖 发布时间:2019-09-18 阅读人数:

To all overseas students:

The application of Public Course Exemption in the system will open from Oct.7th to Oct.13th. You should submit your application on line by following the guidebook “Guide to the System of Graduate School for International Students of 2019”.

It will take one week for teachers to approve your application. So you can check the results on line in early November.


1. Get jpg format of your transcripts or HSK certificate prepared before you submit course exemption application.

2. You should make the course that you want to exempt into your personal study plan, but do not register it.

3. . The score of the exempted course will appear as "M" in your transcript.

You had better use Google Chrome to translate the website.

Provost Office of Graduate School

Sept. 18th, 2019