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Notice on Submitting the Graduation (Completion) Information of International Postgraduates in December of 2023
发布者:刘颖 发布时间:2023-11-03 阅读人数:

Dear international postgraduates,


According to the Regulations on Graduate Student Status Management of Southwest Jiaotong University and the Implementation Rules of Preparation and Issuance of Graduation Certificate or Certificate of Completion and Academic Registration of Graduate Students of Southwest Jiaotong University (Amendment Version), the Provost Office of the Graduate School is going to collect the information of the international postgraduates who have met the graduation (or completion) requirements from Sept. 5 to Nov. 25 in 2023, and transfer the information to to the School of International Education for preparing the Certificate of Graduation (or Completion), The details are as follows.


1. The Graduation /Completion Application System will be open from Nov. 2 to Nov. 25, 2023. A qualified postgraduate should submit the graduation (or completion) information based on the notice delivered by the college.

1. 研究生毕结业申请系统开放时间为2023年11月2日至11月25日, 请留学研究生根据学院通知,提交毕结业信息。

2. The students who have met the graduation (or completion) requirements need to log in to the Graduate School system to check personal information, including name, spelling of name, gender, date of birth, major and college.

2. 请达到毕业或结业要求的留学研究生登录研究生管理系统,核查姓名、姓名拼音、性别、出生日期、专业、学院等个人信息。 

3. The students who have passed the thesis defense to be qualified need to check information and apply for graduation in the Apps “Student Status Service” —“My Graduation (or Completion) App”— “Checking Graduation Information”.

3. 通过学位文答辩,申请毕业的研究生,请在“学籍服务”-“我的毕结业应用” - “毕业信息确认”中,确认并提交毕业申请。 

(1) Only the graduate students whose “Defense Result Registration” shows “Checked” and “Whether Permitted to Graduate or Not” shows “Yes” in “Defense Management App”of the Graduate School system can apply for graduation in “Graduation (Completion) Management App” - “Checking Graduation Information”. (The secretary of the defense committee is responsible for checking and permitting graduation in the system. If “Checking Graduation Information” is missing, please get in touch with the secretary by yourself.)

(1)研究生管理系统的“答辩管理应用”—“答辩结果录入状态”为“已确认”,“是否同意毕业”为“是”的研究生,才可在 “毕结业管理应用”—“毕业信息确认”提交毕业申请。(答辩秘书负责操作答辩结果的录入确认和同意毕业功能,若”毕业信息确认”没有显现,请自行联系答辩秘书)

(2) The graduate students who have gotten the Completion Certificate need to check information and apply for graduation in the“Graduation (Completion) Management App”  “Checking Graduation Information with the Completion Certificate”.

(2)若研究生为结业转毕业,请在系统中“毕结业管理应用” -“结业转毕业信息确认”模块中,确认并提交毕业申请。

4. The students applying for the completion should download and fill in the “SWJTU Application Form of Study Completion” attached in the notice which needs to be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs of the Faculty after reviewed by the supervisor and the college. Meanwhile, the student needs to check information and apply for the completion in “Student Status Service” My Graduation (Completion) App” “Checking Completion Information”.

4. 申请结业的留学研究生在下载并填写附件“SWJTU Application Form of Study Completion”,由导师和学院审核后,提交至学院教务;同时,在“学籍服务”-“我的毕结业应用” -“结业信息确认”中,确认并提交结业申请。

Colleges or schools are responsible for collecting and submitting the graduation (or completion) information of International students to the Provost Office of the Graduate School which will then transfer the list to the School of International Education for preparing and issuing the Graduation (Completion) Certificate.



The Provost Office of the Graduate School

Nov 3, 2023

