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Notice about Final Examinations of 2023-2024(1)
发布者:刘颖 发布时间:2023-12-21 阅读人数:

To all overseas students,

The arrangement of final examinations of 2023-2024 (1) has been released in the Graduation System. Students can log into the system to check the arrangement by following the instructions attached.

Students are required to bring both student ID cards and passports. Students should arrive at the designated exam venue at least 10 minutes before the start of the exam. The students, who arrive over 30 minutes after the test starts or who did not take student ID cards and passports, are not allowed to enter and will be treated as absence from the exam without reason.

All students should read carefully the attached files, abide by the examination rules strictly and be honesty when taking exams.


The attached files:

1. Exam Rules of Southwest Jiaotong University

2. Provisions on Handling of Violation of Regulations on Course Examination and Training Assessment of Graduate Students of Southwest Jiaotong University (trial)

3. Instructions to checking the examination arrangement



Office of Provost

Dec. 21, 2023