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Supplementary Requirements for Overseas Graduate Students' Completion of Cultivation and Graduate Supervisors' Review
发布者:刘颖 发布时间:2024-08-28 阅读人数:


Graduate student cultivation units, supervisors and overseas graduate students,

Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) continues to promote and improve its graduate student cultivation mode with research as the core, aiming to help graduate supervisors provide more efficient and high-quality guidance during the graduate student cultivation process. It strives to thoroughly address the issues of complexity and formalization of materials during graduate supervisors' review while ensuring that the completion quality of graduate student cultivation meets the established standards, so as to achieve the goal of improving quality and efficiency. To this end, SWJTU revised the Implementation Measures for Process Management and Quality Supervision of Graduate Education at Southwest Jiaotong University in July 2024. It adjusted the comprehensive review method by graduate supervisors in some cultivation materials to independent spot-check review by graduate supervisors, so as to further improve and standardize the management measures for the graduate student cultivation process.

All overseas graduate students enrolled in 2021 and later, graduate supervisors and managers of graduate student cultivation units are requested to carefully study and implement the Implementation Measures for Process Management and Quality Supervision of Graduate Education at Southwest Jiaotong University (XJXY [2024] No. 4).

Please scan the QR code below to download documents and forms related to graduate student cultivation management. Please refer to the cover of the portfolio box or consult the Office of Academic Affairs of the Faculty for decompression passwords.


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 Graduate School

 August 28, 2024