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Notice of Supplementary Examinations of SemesterⅠof 2018-2019
发布者:刘颖 发布时间:2019-02-22 阅读人数:

The supplementary examinations will be held in the sixth week of this semester.

International students of Grade 2018 should login in graduate school system to register supplementary examinations from 9:00 a.m. of Feb. 25th to 17:30 of Mar. 8th.  In the fifth week the detailed arrangement of examinations can be checked in the student account of the system.

The other international students should come to Provost Office to register supplementary examinations from 9:00 a.m. of Feb. 25th to 17:30 of Mar. 8th. In the fifth week the detailed arrangement of examinations of public courses can be checked in the notice of website: https://gsnews.swjtu.edu.cn, and the arrangement of examinations of other courses can be checked in the Provost Office.

Those students, who were absent from the final examination of last semester without the permission of the teacher, can not apply supplementary examination.  

Note: It is required that the students should bring student ID cards and passports and arrive at classrooms 10 minutes ahead of supplementary examination.

Office of Provost

Feb. 22nd, 2019