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Notice of Graduate School on Urging International Students to Graduate Who Have Exceeded or Are Going to Exceed the Time Limit
发布者:刘颖 发布时间:2020-07-03 阅读人数:

According to “Regulations of Post-Graduate Students Registration Management of Southwest Jiaotong University”, the maximum length of study for master student is four years and the maximum length of study for PhD student is six years. A graduate student should terminate the status as a student within the time limit by way of completing course study and thesis defense and then obtaining diploma, or completing course study, completing proposal and obtaining study certificate, or withdrawing from school.

At the end of this year, the graduate school will start the student status clearance for 2014 PhD students and 2016 master students; and the student status clearance for 2015 PhD students, 2017 master students at the end of June, 2021.

Therefore, the student status of the following mentioned students will be terminated this year. Please pay special attention to the following requirements:

1. PhD students who were enrolled in or prior to 2014 and master students who were enrolled in or prior to 2016 must complete thesis defense before December, 2020 or apply for course completion or withdraw from school. Once the application of course completion or withdrawal is approved by the school and graduate school, course-completion certificate or withdrawal statement will be issued.

2. Master students can apply for thesis defense within one year after being issued certificate of course completion; PhD students can apply for dissertation defense within four years after being issued certificate of course completion. If passing defense and being approved by Degree Committee of SWJYU, students will be issued graduation certificate and diploma.

3. Students, who fail to complete thesis defense or to apply for course completion prior to December, 2020, will be expelled from the university.

Provost Office of Graduate School

July 3, 2020